Monday 15 November 2010

The Grand Tour

Spent the weekend on a Grand Tour of friends and family around Swindon to bid au revoir - and hopefully not adieu - before I go.

Many cups of tea and meals later, I feel stuffed to the gills but friends assure me that I'll lose weight once I get to Africa. Little do they know that my mother has all the addresses of where I'll be staying, so I fully expect a food parcel to turn up on a weekly basis.

As coincidence would have it, Friday's edition of the Daily Mail carried a centre-spread piece on the wildlife sanctuary that I'll be going to in Namibia. There were some amazing pictures of a local bushman walking with a cheetah in the Kalahari desert. So I take this to be a good omen and look forward to going walkabout with the bushman and the cheetah when I get there.

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