Saturday 4 December 2010

Digging it

We didn't see the lions on Thursday. We found their approximate location, but as it was in deep thicket within a small valley, we couldn't get close enough for a sighting. It was a bit annoying. When you get up at 5.30am for the sole purpose of going to see them, you'd think they would at least come out and say hello.

We headed back to the orphanage in Paterson. Since it was World Aids Day on Wednesday, there weren't many of the children around as they were having an event elsewhere to mark the occasion. Here in South Africa, World Aids Day really means something as so many people are affected. And making some sort of contribution at a HIV/Aids orphanage felt particularly important that day.

We set to work on the vegetable garden, clearing out some weeds, sowing seeds in the ground we dug over last week and also planting some fruit trees - plum and clementine. Whenever we're doing work in the garden, it's often the case that one of the kids joins in to help - usually with the watering. It's quite touching that they want to get involved and seem to appreciate that it's for their benefit. I had a little helper for planting the trees that day.

That evening we watched TV reports of all the snow in the UK and then went to light the first barbecue - or braai as they're called here - since I've been here.

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