Wednesday 8 December 2010

The tall horse

We had an intensive day of identifying giraffes today. We came across a bunch of around 20 of them. After last week, we came up with an easier way of trying to match them up - by taking a photo of them first, then zooming in on the camera to cross-refer to the black and white thumbnails.

I don't know where the time went, but it took us well over four hours to identify 16 giraffes. It sounds incredibly slow, but by the time you've worked out which one is which, they've all moved around and you find yourself looking at the same one two or three times. Very frustrating. By the end of the afternoon, we were all a bit giraffed-out and I can honestly say that it will not matter to me if I never see another one again. In South Africa, there is a brand of wine called Tall Horse. I shall be having a glass of it tonight.

What we have to refer to

And lots of giraffes..
We dropped into the safari lodge on our way back to pick up our food supplies for the week. We cook for ourselves in the volunteer house so each week we have to place a food order for what we need. Whenever we drop into the kitchen, it's always worth having a look around to see what else we can scavenge from the leftovers. Today it was chocolate cup cakes. Result..

We returned to the house to hear that the maid had seen a snake inside today. We think it was a tree snake which is highly venomous. It is also highly skittish though. So I am at the thought of a snake potentially being under my bed.

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